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Kids Digital & Media Lives Shows How Tech is Shaping Childhoods

Kids Digital & Media Lives Shows How Tech is Shaping Childhoods

The BrandTrends Group announces the publication of the latest edition of “Kids Digital & Media Lives,” a comprehensive report on the use of technology and digital media, including the ever-evolving world of virtual reality and the metaverse, by children and teenagers.

This new edition delves into the rapidly evolving world of virtual reality and the metaverse, and offers valuable insights into how these technologies are shaping the digital lives of today’s youth.

According to the report, 32% of American families with children aged 3 to 18 have a Virtual Reality (VR) headset, such as the Oculus Rift or Playstation VR. The report also found that kids between the ages of 10 and 18 spend more time on VR than just playing games or viewing videos and movies. In fact, 18% of them claim to use virtual reality (VR) for education, while 18% use it for social media and 18% use it to explore their environment.

The report also found that gaming is still kids’ primary use of virtual reality, with 45% of American teenagers reporting that they do so. However, the use of VR is growing, as more and more children and teenagers are using it for educational and social purposes.

As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, it is crucial that we understand the impact it is having on the lives of children and teenagers,” said Philippe Guinaudeau, CEO of The BrandTrends Group. “Our report provides a unique and comprehensive look at the current state of digital media usage among young people, and offers valuable insights for manufacturers, Entertainment studios, retailers, and policymakers.

The report also delves into the concept of the metaverse in the VR universe, which is a brand-new form of virtual reality experience that gives the impression of being within a video game. The report found that the vast majority of American teenagers know about the metaverse, with only 22% of those aged 10 to 18 declaring they never heard of it. However, they have a limited understanding of what this is, as 59% of all American teenagers have heard of it but that is all they are aware of.

Teenagers in China, however, are even more eager to connect in the metaverse, with 86% of Chinese youths aware of it. More significantly, only 10% of them are extremely dissatisfied with it, whereas 33% are quite satisfied. This demonstrates the patterns that the world will embrace.

The report also found that affluent households are more likely to be aware of the metaverse; 42% of households with an annual income of less than US$30,000 are totally unaware of the metaverse, compared to 9% of households with an annual income of US$140,000 or more. Similar occurrences can be found in other countries like China or Germany.

The report includes data and analysis on topics such as virtual reality and the metaverse, social media usage, online gaming, and digital literacy. It also includes recommendations for parents, educators, and policymakers on how to best support and guide young people in the digital age.

“Kids Digital & Media Lives” is available for purchase now. For more information, please contact

About The Author

Rebecca Ash

Rebecca is the Editorial Director at Total Licensing Ltd. She can be reached at