Two Top Toy Execs Offer Thoughts on the Industry

We posed the question of what trends had been noticed during the pandemic to two top toy companies…
Clark Taylor, Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing for CandyRific
“As we all know, the entertainment industry and their respective licenses and toys were hit extremely hard over the past 10+ months. But with this being said, CandyRific is seeing a ray of sunshine on the horizon. The licenses we deal with from Disney, Entertainment One, Warner Brothers, Nickelodeon, and others, have all made some quick twists in the ways they get their properties to the consumers. The online and Pay-per-view solution has reinvigorated the consumers on finding ways to entertain their households and children. We are starting to see a surge in parents looking for ways to extend these events and to keep their families engaged in the brands and characters.
We are seeing more involvement with families and their creating Game Nights, Home Hide & Seek, and Movie Nights. There are more opportunities to create events and to support these with toys and snacks to add to the experience. CandyRific is working with our retailers to ensure our brands and platforms are front and center to support these needs.”
Lou DiMarco, Executive Vice President, Hilco
“As we all know 2020 was an emotionally challenging year. When consumers were forced to quarantine, they looked for rewarding emotional treats in candy and toys. History has shown us that this was the same behavior of consumers looking for emotional treats during the depression years. Hershey Kisses, as an example, thrived in the depression, and was a small, tasty reward that delivers on emotion. In 2020, Hilco experienced a record year in sales with our KOOL-AID confection brand. Our KOOL-AID products broke clear cut IRI trends. Affordable, fun, and different, seemed to be the winning formula in 2020.
Consumers did not just quarantine, they re-engaged with family and focused on what was important in their lives. While candy, desserts and ice cream were all up, so was exercise equipment, crafts, baking and things that brought the family together.”