Spirograph Announces Six Art Contest Winners to Display at The Strong National Museum of Play on World Art Day

The highly anticipated Spirograph® National Art Contest comes to a exciting conclusion as artwork submissions by six rising artists have been selected to display at The Strong National Museum of Play on World Art Day! In recognition of their pieces, each artist will also receive an exclusive Spirograph® Retrospective Prize Pack and a $400 Michaels Gift Card to keep creating!
Throughout the month of March, passionate art enthusiasts from across the US submitted their unique creations to the Spirograph® National Art Contest. Today, six awe-inspiring submissions have been chosen to be displayed at The Strong National Museum of Play, during a Spriograph® activation and exhibit running throughout April Break Week (April 15-24). Visitors will have a chance to make their own Spirograph® creation with a communal design experience, on site, and a Spirograph® retrospective that showcases Spirograph® products throughout the ages.
Congratulations to the Spirograph® National Art Contest Winners:
1. Abby, Massachusetts, Category 5-7
2. Myles, Pennsylvania, Category 5-7
3. Audrey, New York, Category 8-12
4. Bella, Texas, Category 8-12
5. Gale, California, Category 13+
6. Jules, New York, Category 13+
Special honorary mention goes out to @spirographgirl from the UK.
“There’s an artist in everybody, and seeing all of these kids and their families celebrate Spirograph® by showing us how they create and bring joy to their artworks is an incredible gift in itself,” says Wendy Hartling, Director of Activity Toys at PlayMonster. “We hope everyone who has joined us for this event continues to be inspired and show their artist side with the spinning gears of Spirograph!”