Redibra Celebrates 60 Years

Redibra will begin celebrating its 60 years in business at LicensingCon, a licensing event taking place on August 23 and 24 in São Paulo. As news for the event, the agency is launching a partnership with Bravado, a leading global band and artist management company belonging to the Universal Music Group, and the proprietary BEAT methodology, Brand Extension Action Tool, a consultancy developed in-house to meet the needs of corporate brands looking for new ways to connect with their audience and/or create a source of revenue.
“The combination of tradition and innovation is our DNA.Through a fan-centered approach, we carefully curate brands and licensees to offer a robust and resilient portfolio. In addition, we are following changes in consumer behavior, bringing new opportunities and business models. A adição da Bravado e a metodologia BEAT reforçam este nosso compromisso de continuar expandindo o universo de extensão de marcas no Brasil”, afirma David Diesendruck, CEO da Redibra.
Redibra is a pioneering licensing and brand extension agency in Brazil, working with a select portfolio of brands including: Coca-Cola, Nintendo, Chevrolet, Rebelde, Bravado, Ursinhos Carinhosos, Netflix, Now United, Luccas Neto, Moonbug and Galinha Pintadinha. In the first half of the year, 2023’s revenue grew by 13% compared to the previous year (2022), and this year it has 26 employees.
“Our outlook is optimistic due to the diversity of our brand portfolio. The second half of the year, which historically plays a more important role in our business, brings with it important dates such as Children’s Day and Christmas. In addition, we have positive expectations about the economy,” says Diesendruck.