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Frederick & Friends continue successful Expansion with V.I.P.

Frederick & Friends continue successful Expansion with V.I.P.

Roughly three years ago Hamburg based licensing-experts V.I.P. Entertainment & Merchandising AG brought the merchandising for Leo Lionni´s bestselling picture books to the German speaking markets, and after a slow start the success climbs steadily.

Edel Kids released its third CD with Frederick & Friends stories that rank also at discounters among the bestsellers. Carlsen´s Lappan Verlag signed a second license for calendars and gift books for your adults and Edel Books took another license for additional activity books.

Another new license was granted for plush toys, socks and kid jewellery to Love Collection Jewellery UG, and as V.I.P.’s Michael A. Lou tells us, the licensee is open for cooperations with distributors.

Frederick & Friends stories on Tonies NFC devices went so well that Tonies signed now also a license for the US.

V.I.P.’s newest property is ZORRO, the internationally famed hero with a 100 years track record. Backed by its 40 years experience V.I.P. expects that the massive presence in theatres, TV and Streaming Platforms (five TV series and four motion pictures are being planned by Zorro Productions International) will boost demand for licenses. In particular as the productions aim for different target groups such as the live action feature films Django/Zorro (age PG-13), based on Quentin Tarantino’s Djano/Zorro comic book . Tarantino will be executive producer, together with ZPI’s John Gertz.
Currently an animation for kids is being aired on Germany’s leading kid channel KiKa and the first live action series for TV  (Age 10+) is being shot in the Canary Islands to be released in the second half 2023.

One of V.I.P.’s last international deals for The Beatles, that they represent now for  nearly 20 years, was with Hohner, the world’s leading harmonica company. They report “very satisfying” sales, V.I.P. says, who is just about signing another world-wide license with another market leader.

About The Author

Rebecca Ash

Rebecca is the Editorial Director at Total Licensing Ltd. She can be reached at