King Features Launches First LGBTQ+ Focused Digital Series

King Features Syndicate announced the launch of LGBTQ+ comic series Rae the Doe from illustrator and cartoonist Olive Rae Brinkeron ComicsKingdom.com.
Rae the Doe follows the life and times of a doe named Rae and her punk skunk girlfriend Mimi. Other characters include her roommate, Pascal the Bat, her eccentric, trash-loving friends Cybil the Moth and Lottie the Opossum and Sawyer the Squirrel, the voice of reason within the group. The comic is full of jokes, satire and the occasional groan-worthy pun and covers themes of LGBTQ+ acceptance and coping with anxiety and depression. Rae the Doe ran as an independent webcomic for two and half years before it was picked up by King Features for syndication. In that time, Brinker published a book, animated two Christmas specials and drew 400 comics. Now, Brinker continues the story of Rae with new content on Comics Kingdom that’s syndicated to online newspapers and digital publications.
As King Features’ first LGBTQ+-centric comic, Rae the Doe continues the syndicate’s mission to offer new and diverse voices a platform in comics. Olive Rae Brinker joins syndication newcomers like Six Chix creator Bianca Xunise and industry powerhouses like Rhymes with Orange’s Hilary Price in raising the standard for diversity and inclusivity on the comic pages.