Entry deadline extended for The Licensing Awards 2022

The entry deadline for The Licensing Awards 2022 has now been extended to Wednesday 8 June, it is announced.
The decision was taken after Max Publishing – which owns and organises The Licensing Awards – was contacted by a large number of companies asking for a deadline extension owing to a very busy week at Licensing Expo.
With some creative juggling of timescales, they have now extended the entry deadline to Wednesday 8 June – that day inclusive, but there will be NO further extension.
So, if you’re heading to Licensing Expo and are the person responsible for entering, you now have a little wiggle room when you return.
If you have teams that can action this while you are away, please mobilise them.
If you’re not heading to Licensing Expo, then you still score this extra time but please do get going.
All of the award categories – including those for licensed products, licensed properties, retail, marketing, honorary achievement, plus the awards for sustainability, international retail and licensed live events –can now be entered, for free, via the website.
The awards event itself will return to The Great Room at The Grosvenor House Hotel, London on Tuesday 13 September 2022, so mark the date in your diaries.
For sponsorship, entry enquiries or general questions regarding The Licensing Awards, please contact Ian Hyder, Jakki Brown or Rob Willis.
Tickets and tables can be reserved quickly and securely online by visiting Max-Tickets.net or by contacting Clare Hollick at Create Events: clare@createvents.co.uk or phone +44 (0)1183 340085.