The Light Fund Makes £5000 Donation to DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

Licensing industry charity The Light Fund has committed a sizeable donation to aid the victims of the ongoing war in Ukraine.
Chairman of The Light Fund Trevor Jones issued this statement:
“The Light Fund has made a donation of £5,000 to the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. This donation will support the work of 13 charities such as CAFOD, British Red Cross, Save the Children, Age International, Christian Aid & Care International amongst others. The DEC Appeal’s immediate and primary focus of the relief effort is to support internally displaced people and refugees fleeing the conflict. DEC charities will be supporting families with cash grants, food packages, warm clothing and shelter.
Trevor Jones stated that “Having seen the heart wrenching scenes in the media, the trustees wanted to get urgent help to the people of Ukraine who are suffering at this time. The DEC Ukraine Appeal’s team of 13 charities is already on the ground in the Ukraine & surrounding countries giving much needed practical assistance. Thanks to the ongoing efforts of the Light Fund’s supporters we are pleased to be able to make this contribution to the Appeal today.”
The DEC added ” This donation will enable our member charities to provide much needed aid at this critical time to those that are in most need of our assistance.”
The licensing industry is well-known for its generosity in times of crisis, and the situation in Ukraine has seen numerous companies and individuals committing to offer assistance.
If you and your team would like to highlight ways in which you are helping and how others can get involved, please do be in touch with me, becky@totallicensing.com.