Greeting Cards: Licensing with History for Greg & Company

The Giordano Family has always been a well-known entity in the art licensing industry and greeting card
business. Prior to venturing into art licensing and establishing Giordano Studios, Joseph Giordano worked as a staff
illustrator for a top greeting card company in New York City, Norcross Greeting Card Company. When he established
Giordano Studios in 1980, the popular imagery he created for Norcross continued as a staple in his design archives. After
a successful career as a fine art gallery painter, Greg joined the company. Later on in 2002, Greg established his own
business, Greg & Company, LLC..
As the Managing Director of Greg & Company, Greg has had the opportunity to work with a variety of Licensees.
While he currently licenses designs to over 85 different manufacturers, licensing artwork to various greeting card
companies continues to be a staple of his business, and a product category that is continuing to grow and develop.
Following in the footsteps of his father, greeting cards became an instantly successful category for Greg Giordano.
The variety of subject matter in Greg’s designs, from cars and trucks, dogs and cats, various birds and butterflies, wildlife
and diverse seasonal themes, allow his artwork to be featured on greeting cards for any occasion. In fact, Greg’s artwork is
currently featured on over 150 greeting card products, helping to celebrate weddings, birthdays, Father’s Day, Christmas,
and any other special event that requires stationery.
Greg has had the privilege and opportunity to work with many different greeting card companies, and some from
when he first started his company. “Leanin’ Tree has been proudly licensing artwork from Greg & Company for more than
20 years, and I am happy to say we’ve had many best-selling greeting card designs featuring his work”, shares Susan
January, Vice President of Product Management at Leanin’ Tree, Inc,.
Greg also enjoys working with several other greeting card companies, and has found that the artwork created for
various greeting card collections has translated well and been successful on many other products, such as puzzles, garden
flags, and calendars, and vice versa. Currently, popular collections like “Pups & Trucks” and “Heartland America” are
featured across different product categories, greeting cards and stationery included.
As this space continues to grow for Greg & Company, it will be exciting to continue to see the potential in the
artwork created for greeting cards, and their limitless translation onto other products in the licensing industry.